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wolfbln (Offline)
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Default 23-03-2016, 01:09

Originally Posted by akraus88 View Post
I still don't see a reason why I should activate the plan ROAM LIKE HOME. If they charge 10 UAH for 500 MB. in all ROAM LIKE HOME countries. I assume this will remain, only the RED S,M, and L plans will now be only 7 days for roaming, correct?
They haven't published the new rates yet. For understanding the CURRENT rates, check

There are still good reasons to activate the "roam like home" monthly option if using it for more than 2 or 3 days. The other rate (with "roam like home" disabled) is referred to a day and comes with a daily UAH 30 service fee for roaming and their standard data rate (UAH 10/ 500 MB) is charged by day too.

If you use for example 2 GB in a month of "permanent roaming" without the "roam like home", you'll pay UAH 30 for the domestic S pack plus 30 x 30 UAH daily fee plus 30 x 10 UAH for up to 500 MB per day. That's in total UAH 1230 or 40€ and really not worth it. Of course, it's a totally different story, when you use 500 MB per day, that's 15 GB in a month as the total price remains the same.

On the current "roam like home" monthly option our 2 GB per month is UAH 30 for the domestic pack, UAH 90 for the roaming add-on and UAH 30 for overuse = UAH 150 or 5€.

So the calculation is very different depending on usage and time. We'll have to wait and see, if they simply change the monthly option to a weekly or if they change rates too.

Assuming they'd just take the current monthly add-on of UAH 90 and make it to a weekly add-on of UAH 90, our example of 2 GB in a month will be (30 + 4.3x90) around UAH 420 or 14€. This is still good for roaming, but not for permanent use as a "domestic solution".

Last edited by wolfbln; 23-03-2016 at 01:29..
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