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lover08 (Offline)
Official Member
Posts: 41
Join Date: 13 Mar 2012

Default 11-03-2016, 05:34

The rules are:

1) You activate "Feel Like Home" deal on RED S or M or L
2) RED S you have 500 MB RED M you have 2GB RED L you have 5GB
3) after usage of 500 MB or 2GB or 5GB you will be charged 10 UAH - 500 MB more within 30 days cycle of your plan
4) you can be charged max. 10 times within this cycle - example you have RED S and you used 500 MB so you can use up to 10 x 500 MB more and then your speed will be limited 8 kb/s till end of your monthly cycle
5) so your limits are: RED S - 500 MB + 10 x 500 MB = 5.5GB
RED M - 2GB + 10 x 500 MB = 7GB
RED L - 5GB + 10 x 500 MB = 10GB

If you need so many Internet so you can buy two or three SIM card so you can just use a second, third sim card when you exceed your limits
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