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rfranzq (Offline)
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Default 22-11-2015, 01:19

Originally Posted by davidtheprof View Post
- friends and family in UK, etc get upset when they reply and pay $2-3/min, because they are calling US number - so I'm looking for reasonable call forwarding so that I can give people a local number.
Worldsim and Piranha have both UK and US phone numbers attached to one SIM.
Piranha Mobile has Call Forwarding and Call Offload.
Also comes with a UK number. [Is this number usable for receiving calls from locals? That is
it is seen as a normal UK number and not something that is charged extra?]

I think either of these would solve your UK number problem if the number is 'usable'.

Worldsim also has call forwarding. See below.

How to set up Call Forwarding
To use the WorldSIM low cost Call Forwarding facility, you will need to forward your WorldSIM number to the number abroad that you wish to call. Then simply dial your WorldSIM number and you will be diverted to the number abroad.

To set up call forwarding, simply:
1.Log in to your account at
2.When the ‘My Account’ home page appears, click on the button that displays your WorldSIM phone number.
3.Scroll down to the ‘Set Forwarding’ section and enter the number that you want to forward your calls to. Ensure that you input the number in international format excluding the 00/+ prefix (e.g 4412345689).
4. In the Call Back dropdown, select ‘Yes.’
5.Click on the ‘Submit’ button.

You will receive an on screen confirmation message that the new setting has been applied. However if you come out of this screen and return to it, the Set Forwarding section will appear as blank. In reality this is not the case. Call forwarding has been set up and applied on our system to the number you received a confirmation of. You can test the latest setting by dialling your WorldSIM number.

Please note that you can amend the number entered here to any other number of your choice. However to deactivate call forwarding, you will need to request this by contacting Customer Service.
Alternatively, you can also set up forwarding using your WorldSIM phone. Dial 102 (number) to set forwarding to ON. Dial 103 to turn forwarding OFF.

Home & Away product Call Forwarding rates are available via:

Please note that rates are subject to change. If you are dialling your WorldSIM number from another network provider, the cost of calling the WorldSIM number will be charged at the other network provider's rates. Some network providers may allow you to utilise your free bundle minutes. Other network providers may not. WorldSIM is not responsible for any charges levied by other network providers.
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