07-10-2015, 17:07
Well I don't think I've ever seen "LTE" displayed on TIM, including in the center of Rome.
My iPad is suppose to include the LTE bands used by TIM.
Flew from Italy to Frankfurt. Soon as I touched down I turned on the cell radio and it got a Telekom.de 4G signal. During the long taxi, I got only 2 or 3 bars and speed test showed only 8/2. Closer to the terminal, got 5 bars. Downloaded a bunch of emails and did another speed test and it was hitting 35-40 Mbps down before it suddenly cut off. Got a couple of SMS in Italian, indicating I had used up the 50 MB daily roaming in the EU and US.
It said I would be charged €1 per MB.
Oh well.
I'll check tomorrow to see if I get another 50 MB. Then when I return to the US, will check again.
I'll be glad when the roaming is gone, as it could make visiting more than one EU country during a trip easier to deal with.
Anyways, "4G" is providing speeds comparable to what I get with LTE back in US.