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wolfbln (Offline)
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Default 01-07-2015, 10:28

We have moved a giant step forward, but have not reached the goal yet.

1.) New roaming caps from May 2016
2ct per SMS and 5 ct per MB data (plus taxes). For data at least it's a huge advancement. We are right now at 0.20 € per MB effective at €0.23/MB and will go down to somewhere near €0.06/MB. That's still more than data in national packages, but often less than the domestic default rate of providers. SMS rates will be in fact mostly below domestic rates.

2.) "Abolition" of roaming charges in 2017?
This is still unclear. We may get rid of all roaming charges in 2017 but only under certain conditions. "Permanent" roaming will not be possible on the new tariff without roaming fees. But really getting rid of all roaming charges per definition necessarily means and enables "permanent" roaming.

So it's very much up to the fine print, the EU institutions have yet to agree on.
It's sad but true: new limits for the tariffs without roaming fees will probably be established, a kind of EU Fair Use Policy:
- either for a max. volume of minutes, SMS' or MBs anyone can use on that tariff
- or a max. period of time anyone can use his/her domestic rate on roaming (e.g. per year).

Data is sold at very different rates in the various EU countries. In Cyprus more than 20 times as much is charged compared to the Baltic states.
So there will be pressure to break these rules using SIM cards from another country permanently.
One way to break these rules/limts can possibly be a "rotating" system of e.g. different data SIM cards to be used on roaming.

The worst case for the EU consumer would be a very low allowance of "free" roaming volume (actually meaning roaming at the domestic rates) and everything consumed beyond will be charged much higher. In the negotiations a 100 MB limit was mentioned which is just a joke in these days. If the 2016 caps are maintained in 2017 and later, the surcharges will at least be limited lower.

So let's celebrate for 2016 and wait what is yet to come for 2017.

Last edited by wolfbln; 01-07-2015 at 10:48..
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