Thread: Joe Mobile
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andy (Offline)
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Default 31-03-2015, 11:34

Originally Posted by wolfbln View Post
Well. That is not the issue.
JoeMobile used to be a good choice for people not having a French bank account or French bank card. You could combine their rolling contracts with certain credit cards from neigbouring countries. Even people not having these, found a workaround with Neteller and Entropay.

As as far I know, Virgin mobile is NOT ACCEPTING these cards. So it's not an option for foreigners.
So, has anyone been able to connect a contract (forfait) of Virgin mobile France with a non-French payment system?

We are not talking about their prepaid cards (cartes prepayées) which are very overpriced, but their contracs (forfaits).

I checked their forum and they said: "Virgin Mobile accepte le paiement par Carte Bancaire, MasterCard et Visa ! "
Now, we need to find out, if these MasterCards or Visas need to be French ones.

Good point.

I'd been thinking about that foreign payment card issue, trying to find some discussion on the forum or the FAQ about it - nothing I've seen yet - and was coming back to edit my post.

There are one or two Belgians asking that it appears that French residency is required, but not all the questions are getting answers as the other readers perhaps don't know (though the staff should be able to say something).

Maybe I'll ask on there later, or join the Virgin forum to ask.

If not, I just added a bundle to mine yesterday just to keep it alive, even though the chance of a visit next month is only 5 to 10%. I might ask for a refund.
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