Thread: Toggle Mobile
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peterdoo (Offline)
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Default 21-03-2015, 21:27

When I was first looking at the mentioned pages the brackets with the country name were not present. They seem to have added those just recently. Now it is like that at least on Lyca's UK, German, Spanish and Austrian pages. The remark is present for data as well as for voice and texts. They seem to be modifying roaming pages quite often. Yesterday on the German one there were some prices in Indian Rupee currency

Now I am really confused. Is anything at all of those usable in roaming? Or what is "UK minutes" and "UK texts" supposed to tell us? Maybe they want to tell us that calls/texts in the bundles are to home country only. If data and/or incoming calls is not included, I think they should not be using the wording "No Roaming charges". This would clearly be a misleading ad.
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