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123456 (Offline)
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Posts: 134
Join Date: 14 Feb 2005

Default No unlimited data anymore from April 2015! - 02-03-2015, 21:29

Request your new SIM now!
On the 2nd of April, *bliep is moving to a new network in order to offer you 4G Internet later this year. Your current SIM won’t work anymore after the 2nd of April. Request your free new SIM now and join us to an upgraded *bliep. Your number will remain the same and your credit will move with you.

What’s happening?
The amount of data used by all *bliepers doesn’t fit in with our 50 cents anymore. We had to make a choice: increase the price or limit the data. We chose the last one, because 90% of our users are better of with a limit. 50 cents will buy you 67 MB’s per day. That amounts to 2 GB per month for only €15! Unlimited calling will be replaced by low cost calling for 5 cents per minute, charged by the second.

Some background:
Bliep will leave the T-Mobile network and move to the Tele2 network which is 4G (800/2600MHz) only with national roaming on T-Mobile for 2G/3G.
From the 2nd of April onwards, you won’t be able to use T-Mobile top-up vouchers on the new *bliep SIM.

Last edited by 123456; 02-03-2015 at 21:37..
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