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Bossman (Offline)
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Prepaid Professionist
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Join Date: 22 Apr 2005
Location: Chicago

Default 18-02-2015, 20:13

I have an old US simplecalling sim. I received the following email on Monday. Seriously, my use for international sim cards has diminished somewhat. As I am usually in one place for a long period and I just buy a local sim. Plus, I have Piranha as well, and that has worked well for me. I'll be in Nigeria for 2 weeks starting this Friday. I already have 2 local sims that I use there. However, I'll burn up whatever is left on my Ekit while I am there.

Dear mobile customer

Thank you for using our service. We are continually making improvements,
so please let us know how we can make the service better.

As you have not made any calls with your SIM card recently, the balance of your account will expire in one month.
Please see our terms and conditions for details.

To extend the life of your account balance, simply make a call or send a paid text message or recharge your account within the next month.
To recharge your account, just go to

Should your account balance expire and you wish to reinstate your balance,
please contact Customer Service to recharge your account and we will
reinstate the expired balance.

Phones: Xiaomi Mi Mix 2, Samsung Galaxy A50, ASUS zenfone 3,
Sim cards: AT&T (Contract), 3 UK, Piranha Mobile
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