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rfranzq (Offline)
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Default 17-02-2015, 21:36

Originally Posted by 123456 View Post
Any credit balance in your account will expire if you have not made a charged call or sent a charged text message using your account for a period of three (3) months.

The full credit balance (including any remaining initial included call credit) will be automatically re-instated if you recharge your account with $30 or more within twelve (12) months of last use, or purchase a new sim card from customer service after twelve (12) months.
Thanks for the heads up. I checked my seven exit cards. Two Explorer Service [ekexp_green],
two US SIMple Calling Plus Service [ekusplus_yellow], and three Passport Service [ekpass_yellow].
All have the same below expiration statement in their information page.

Your Service will remain active indefinitely if you use a charged service (such as making a call, or sending a text message) within any six month period.

We will send you an email and text message notification one week in advance of your Service becoming inactive. If your Service does become inactive, all your remaining credit (including the credit that comes included with the SIM) will expire. However, we will automatically re-instate your full expired credit balance (including any remaining initial included call credit) if you recharge your account with $30 or more via Customer Service within six (6) months of last use, or purchase a new SIM card from Customer Service after six (6).
It will be interesting to see what is actually done.
I had not noticed before that all funds would be restored even if you buy a new SIM.
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