17-02-2015, 20:50
The article about the 25€ surcharge was based of my personal experience.
But on the WIKI, I recently received first reports about ordering the SIM online. For this, you have to send it to a Spanish postal address, as usual. This seems to be without surcharge as I've checked the ordering process. As a downside, it may not so convenient if you are not sure about your schedule or accommodation places and whether the staff will hand out your mail. Generally, this way has some disadvantages, but seems to be free right now..
Tuenti a.k.a. Telefonica has renamed Zerolimites into VOZDigital and limites or charges for this VoIP service which used to be free unlimited. But its still a good deal. Interestingly, Telefonica has not tried to introduce it to any other market, neither in Europe nor Latin America
More on part 2:
Last edited by wolfbln; 17-02-2015 at 21:34..