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gabecnc (Offline)
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Default 14-02-2015, 13:30

Originally Posted by NFH View Post
You can still buy it in shops in Spain, where you can pay with a non-Spanish credit card. And the 1GB bundle is available to all customers, irrespective of nationality.
thanx for the quick answer. just wondering, here they say that there is a 25 euros surcharge for foreign people during activation.

S"urcharge for foreigners
Legally they are not allowed to discriminate at least EU citizens. That's how they do it anyway: Beginning 2014 they imposed a 25 € surcharge for registrations with a passport in shops. You can use your passport ID or Spanish ID cards (called DNI and NIE) online and pay with a credit card or cash-on-delivery. You send it to your hotel."

I'm puzzled.
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