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NFH (Offline)
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Default Data roaming on ships (MCP network) - 31-12-2014, 13:44

Giffgaff in the UK has announced that it will no longer support roaming on Maritime Communications Partner, a network that supplies GSM connectivity via satellite on board ships. From reading a thread in which giffgaff announced this disconnection, it turns out that a huge number of those working on board cruise ships use giffgaff's £2.50/month Blackberry option because it allows 10MB/day of inclusive data on old Blackberrys. I'm guessing that many of these giffgaff customers are not UK-based. Clearly giffgaff found it cannot afford to give away 300MB/month of data roaming for £2.50/month, particularly on an expensive satellite network like MCP. However, rather than simply excluding MCP from its Blackberry option, giffgaff is cancelling its roaming agreement with MCP altogether.

Can anyone recommend an international SIM card for these many soon-to-be-ex-giffgaff customers? It will need to support data roaming on MCP.
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