Best data allowance - worldwide -
24-11-2014, 14:09
Hello all,
This is my first time here, but after spending ages trying to found a solution to my problem I thought it could be a good solution to come and discuss it here.
Basically, I work for a TV channel, we use equipment that requires several SIM cards with DATA plans from different operators to transmit live video feed. Locally (France) we can get up to 100Mbps video streaming capabilities depending on the network quality but are generally satisfied with 1Mbps/4Mbps.
This equipment aggregates network links (3G/LTE modems) and encodes the camera video signal to VOIP. This information is not important for my request.
Today, even though I am in France we have a roaming unit that uses AT&T SIM cards. We move abroad all the time with this equipment. My issue is that we only have 800Mb/SIM/month for a crazy price. I generally need approx 2Go to 3Go/months/SIM.
We have no restrictions concerning the countries we are going to visit, it can be a European country or an african, asian, N/S american one.
This equipment, once abroad, offers the possibility to assign SIM cards to one local operator and other SIM cards to other local operator. This allow to take advantage of the b/w of several operators rather than being limited to only one.
I am looking for roaming offers that would allow me the maximum of Go for a good price in as many countries as possible. I have been looking for prices with french operators, this is what I get :
For 61€/month/SIM = 3Go to use in Europe/Canada/USa
If I go to another country that is not part the ones listed above, this is what it costs :
0 to 20 Mo : 20 €/SIM/Month
20 to 50 Mo : 50 €/SIM/Month
50 to 100 Mo : 100 €/SIM/Month
100 to 250 Mo : 225 €/SIM/Month
250 to 500 Mo : 450 €/SIM/Month
500 to 1024 Mo : 850 €/SIM/Month
Above 1Go : 850 € + 2 €/Mo
Maybe I should work with a MVNO, or get international SIM cards but I can't figure out what is best...
If someone has a good understanding and good knowledge in this field, I would be very much interested.