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Leon (Offline)
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Default 20-11-2014, 09:34

On September the new MVNO brand has started.
The brand Izzi is held by operator Ahmes sp. z o.o. (Ahmes Ltd.) that has already been holding brand Tele25.
Izzi targets to young and active people. Logo and whole visualisation of brand seem to be "dynamic" and "free".

Starter cost: 5 zł incl. 1 zł for calls (unless you move number from another network, then it's free)

voice calls to all networks in Poland - 0,19 zł / 0,05 €
video calls to all networks in Poland - 0,19 zł / 0,05 €
sms to Poland networks - 0,09 zł / 0,02 €
voice and video to Izzi and Play 30 days after topup - free

Calls to Europe, Canada and the US - 2,00 zł / 0,52 €
SMS - 0,50 zł / 0,13 €
Calls to the rest of World - 4,00 zł / 1,05 €
SMS - 0,50 zł / 0,13 €

Number is Valid 1 year after every topup.
Minimum topup is 25,00 zł / 6,50 €

Where to buy?
At the moment it is accessable only via Internet (their website or
They are to cooperate with some Polish discount, grocery and petrol brands.

Information (in Polish) at

SIMs in use: Play postpaid, Plus postpaid, nju
former SIMs:
mBank mobile, T-Mobile, Simlus, POP, Tak-Tak, Heyah, GaduAIR CH: Orange DE: E-Plus, Ortel DK: Lebara, Sonofon SE: Telenor
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