Originally Posted by 123soleil
CID doesn't explain why all other providers are 2-3x more expensive. Everyone knows that swiss operators are overcharging. But togglemobile is proof that they could be cheaper.
Toggle probably won't make much money from domestic calls within Switzerland or perhaps even make a loss from these that is being absorbed by cross-subsidisation as a look into Swiss mobile termination rates reveals:

data from January 2014, source:
I don't know what Toggle pays to Swisscom for termination of inbound calls but it will probably be more than what they earn from the termination rates in most Toggle countries. So when being called e.g. on your French (€ 0.008/min), Danish (€ 0.00896) or British (€ 0.01009) number every minute must be a loss for them. The tariffs in Switzerland are only viable as long as the majority of outbound calls goes to destinations with lower termination rates, so they cannot be interested in attracting Swiss customers that would only use the SIM for domestic calls.
I think Lycamoble intentionally do not market Toggle too actively as they would not only cannibalize their MNO partners' customer bases but also their own. They are targeting very cost-aware and tech-savvy customers that will find Toggle by themselves.
The possibility to change callerIDs was promised a year and a half ago but as so many promises this feature never became reality.