28-07-2014, 03:36
So now that TMo USA is so good for international roaming, and I was about to archive my collection of international sims, I realize that I might need them for US travel - TMobile now has amazing coverage in almost every country in the world, thanks to its partners, but very spotty coverage in rural US, where I've been recently. And there are some large areas (eg. central NH) where the roaming agreement with ATT is not in effect.
So I've taken to using Piranha for backup in the US on ATT (which is more expensive for phone, slow 2g data, but at least a signal!)
Truphone defaults to Tmob, but I've read that you can force it to ATT via phone settings - but that doesn't work on my phone, says sim does not allow registration on that network. Wonder if part of going to cheapo 9/9/9 pricing required abandoning agreement with ATT, who apparently charges a lot more than that to MVNOs?