23-07-2014, 08:57
Well, the data rate of £0.67 is really far over the EU cap of £0.1652/MB. Four times higher !
The SMS sent in Toggle countries are listed with 0.07 £/SMS. Over the EU cap as well. Or making calls in the EU member country Croatia: £0.28/min.
On the outgoing calls from Toggle countries which still have good pricing, unfortunatelly more and more often the call is delivered without a caller number to the destination (EU mobile or fixed). This makes me impossible to reach many people that have a line configured in a way that does not accept anonymous calls.
At the end of the day the only advantage that remains for me is the additional number in Toggle countries. As caused by the other problems this has not removed the need for using a second SIM, I am considering returning to the usual double-SIM operation without Toggle.
As ChrisNeedsToKnow mentioned often, Toggle is a good idea, however with too many practical limitations that have not been solved over the time and will probably make it unusable at the end.