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rfranzq (Offline)
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Default 03-07-2014, 01:13

Originally Posted by davidtheprof View Post
Still, a good deal for some countries, I'll be lending someone a phone for a week in the US with the truphone SIM, it's generally more reliable than Piranha, and will be cheap for calling back to UK and Germany. Wish Piranha could sort out the texting issues and make it easier to change the primary number from US to UK and back. .
Just set the network to automatic and you are good to go with Truphone.
With Piranha, now that both AT&T and T-Mobile is the same price [0.16 Data Per MB]
the issue is where are they going to be and are they going to make phone calls.

Is the primary number even changeable? You make it sound doable but too hard.
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