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Stu (Offline)
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Prepaid Guru
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Location: Detroit (formerly Dubai)

Default 10-06-2014, 13:05

Let me take a stab at why a Yank would use a roaming SIM. My wife and I are grandfathered on ATT's international iPhone plan. I get unlimited (non-throttled) data worldwide on my iPhone. This includes high priced roams. I pay US$65 a month for it rather than $35 for the privilege and there are years that it may not be a good deal, but other years where it is worth its weight in gold.

This doesn't give me cheap inbound calls abroad so a roaming SIM makes a great deal of sense. Many times I can make a respectable VOIP Over 3g call, but this is not 100% of those times. When that happens, I trigger a callback (to the roaming SIM).

Neither me or anyone else gets legal tethering on this plan or on TMobile. I have an old jailbroken phone which I can cheat with or I suppose I good switch to Android where rooting is a much more consistent experience than jailbreaking. This means that there is some times that I need to get something else online beyond my phone. For example, I live fifteen miles (24k) from the Canadian border right off the motorway connecting to the border. This month, my wife will be working three of four weeks in Canada. I was there twice last week, almost went last night, and will be there for a week this month. For these reasons, we have a contract flex data account on a hotspot for Canada. If we don't use it, it is $5 a month. We scale upto 5gigs a month for $35. (We also pay ATT $20 more a month on our family plan to extend our family plan for voice into Canada).

I have a Toggle Mobile SIM card for voice off US shores and also a Piranha Mobile card. My best friend lives in Australia and it means we have a local number when we visit. My wife's company's European headquarters in the Netherlands. Same story. My wife has a client in Hong Kong and I have relatives in the UK. My wife also transits through the Netherlands on her way to Dubai.

When we make those trips, we carry a small Nokia pentaband Asha. On none of those trips do we bother with a prepaid SIM anymore.
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