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HappyCamp (Offline)
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Posts: 59
Join Date: 04 Aug 2013

Default 10-06-2014, 02:27

Originally Posted by snidely View Post
"Happy Camp" who posted before you only uses less than 100 min./mo. when at home! Says he has a 100 min. prepaid plan from Walmart.
I do have the 100 minute T-Mobile "Wal-mart" plan. I use Skype's $2.50/month unlimited calling plan for most of my outgoing calling. I also have my incoming calls go to my Google Voice number and if at home answer the phone via my Obihai. Google was supposed to turn off that service at some point. When that happens I'll transition to using $1/month phone number and have it forward the call to the Obihai.

13 days into my 30 day plan I haves used 34/100 minutes. I mainly care about data usage. But even that I haven't used that much. 220 MB, as I use Wifi while at home and at work.

Unfortunately for Android the T-Mobile "Wifi calling" appears to require a T-Mobile Android phone. I have a Google Play Store Nexus 5, which is unsupported.

T-Mobile $30 "Wal-mart plan". Unlimited data & text. 100 voice minutes per month.

Europe 2013 vacation:
Piranha-Mobile and Truphone plus the following
AT: T-Mobile, CZ: Tesco Mobile, DE: Lidl & Toggle Mobile, DK: Telia & Toggle Mobile, ES: Toggle Mobile, FR: Orange & Toggle Mobile, HU: T-Mobile, SE: Telenor & Toggle Mobile

Last edited by HappyCamp; 10-06-2014 at 02:33..
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