Originally Posted by DRNewcomb
They are convinced that they will be able to use Viber to make free calls because it works for them in the USA. 
Well I guess there's partial truth in that. As long as they are connected to wifi in their hotel or or even a mall that they are visiting or office, restaurant etc. then viber, skype or any other voip system is probably the cheapest (or free) way of keeping in touch with the outside world.
I haven't used Viber personally, so I do not know how its settings work but in other apps like whattsapp you can configure the network access method so that it does not use mobile data when roaming and then uses only wifi whenever it is available. At least setting something like that up for them will prevent bill shock. You may also be able to help them to arrange an optional credit limit with their home network. Once the bill hits a designated point say the equivalent of $100 they send you messages and then eventually cut you off.