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dg7feq (Offline)
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Default 16-02-2014, 10:45

Originally Posted by ygeffens View Post
So this means that I can leave 1 card at home (Belgium), and take another one to France, and call the homefront for just 3ct/m ?


offtopic problem: I have two cards of AldiTalk, but 1 has expired, is it possible to revive it in anyway? I had 15 euro of credit left (on a voucher). I used that to topup the working card (didn't want to risk to have that one expired too).
you can try to send 10ct via bank transfer to the following account:

E-Plus Mobilfunk GmbH & Co.KG
IBAN DE07 3004 0000 0121 7900 01
Commerzbank Düsseldorf
reason of transfer - your mobile number, e.g. 01771234567

If the card is not yet fully dead it will be reactivated after 2-3 days and will have 3 days validity In that case you can safely transfer more or buy a recharage voucher in store.

transfer of 1 Euro gives you 1 month validity, and so on.


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