Personal Hotspots/Tethering -Which Pre-paid SIM's allow Tethering? -
03-02-2014, 03:32
Can anyone confirm if there are any pre-paid phone/data packages in Italy that allow the Personal Hotspot feature of my unlocked iPhone 5 to be used? I can't find any conclusive information confirming whether the major carriers like TIM, Tre, Vodafone etc allow their pre-paid phone/data packages to tether other devices to my iPhone.
Also, after looking at TIM's website they have some special offers for tourists but they all expire after 30 days and cannot be renewed, extended or repurchased. I will be in Italy for about 3 months on business/pleasure so need a pre-paid phone/internet package that allows my iPhone's Personal Hotspot to be used for tethering, and is rechargeable over a period longer than 30 days.
The package costs for data and calls are less important than ensuring I can tether my laptop and iPad and that there is good coverage outside the urban areas. Much time will be spent in rural Toscana, Umbria, Le Marche & Puglia.
I have combed the Tripadvisor forum, as well as several other forums, yet cannot find any recent information that answers my query. I speak Italian so also had a look at the actual Italian carriers' websites, yet I cannot find any specific info as to whether Personal Hotspots/tethering are allowed.
If tethering is not feasible, would an option be to buy a MiFi device and take out a separate data plan only for the MiFi and tether my laptop and iPad that way? Any suggestions as to what device and which carrier's pre-paid data plans can be used on MiFi devices?
I would appreciate any insight a recent visitor to Italy might have had. Thank you!