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MBK (Offline)
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Default 15-01-2014, 21:33

Originally Posted by fsotirop View Post
Even for Europe roaming from US customers I don't recommend Toggle (except for heavy users), short exparation of the credit , plus 25UKpounds minimum topup .
Piranha is more expensive for calls & sms + they charge for incoming calls. This is absolutely not interesting compared to Toggle in the Toggle countries.

Furthermore, min reload is not 25 £ but 20£, which gives you 20£ + 10% = 22£ credit.

Credit NEVER expires as long as you are using your SIM at least once every 4 months (call, sms or data charge). This means, if you want to be an extreme saver, that you never have to recharge your SIM as long as you have enough credit for this (ex: 1 data charge of 0.0002 every 4 months).

Really, if you are making so little use of the SIM that a 20£ reload is too much, then I can't see how it would make sense to go through the trouble of ordering a roaming SIM. Just use your normal T-Mobile or AT&T plan for those few minutes you need.

That said, of course if other non-toggle countries are part of your journey, other SIMS like Piranha should be taken into account.
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