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gkeeper (Offline)
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Default 05-01-2014, 19:16

Originally Posted by davidtheprof View Post
just back from Austria, UK, and Canada.
I really want to like Piranha, best rates, UK/US numbers included free, the VOIP integration with same numbers....
BUT: data does not always work reliably, seems to come in and out. The selection of carriers seems somewhat random, in Austria, I was sometimes on a carrier that allowed direct dial, sometimes not (A1) and carriers have significant differences in phone and data charges. The callback system worked OK in UK, but not in Austria at all.

Before I left, I asked for UK number on SIM to be primary, so that people could call me back on local number, but then texts didn't work at all, in or out. (customer service did warn me this might be a problem, but it really needs fixing!).

Wife was using UK Orange SIM card, and no problems, but they don't have good PAYG bundles for EU. Also used Truphone as backup.
Hi David,
I was in Sweden over the Xmas break and had the same issue where the Sim was changing networks. On the first day I found HG3 to be very good on both Voice and Data and I personally preferred the direct dial, which was a little more expensive but worth it (£0.02 per minute more), as reported the Sim did change networks a few times, presumably this was down to dominant network coverage.
I then manually selected 3HG and turned off auto search, the rest of my trip was hassle free and it stayed on network throughout. On my departure i put handset back onto auto roam for next stop. I am using an iPhone 5. Hope this helps.

Happy new Year to all. GK
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