06-12-2013, 10:51
Hi bourbonkiller,
in general their left hand doesnīt seem to know what the right hand is doing.
See Belgian numbers (discussed a little earlier in this thread). Toggle actively promised theyīd be available "in two weeks" at some stage. That was roughly 3 months ago, and so far: nothing!
I wouldnīt count on what their customer service guys say. Iīm not saying itīs the agentīs fault (itīs not), but rather their internal communication seems to be non-existant.
Hence, while actually recommending this product to my friends, I always warn everyone to accept this card "as is", not counting on its reliability and always assuming it could go offline at any time.
Itīs a pity, as the underlying idea is really great. But their approach leaves me worried enough not to turn this into my 1-and-only main SIM (unfortunately).
Rgds, Christian