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gkeeper (Offline)
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Default 05-11-2013, 07:41

Originally Posted by MBK View Post
Voip has quality/stability/availability issues.

Furhtermore, if you use VOIP the same providers I am using for callback also have VOIP, cheaper than Piranha (your example: Thailand is free to call landline & mobiles, UK: free to landlines, 0.005(half a cent) to mobiles).

-> Piranha is even more expensive for VOIP.

==> Toggle + callback (= good call quality/availability) is cheaper than Piranha VOIP in the 20 Toggle countries.

So with Piranha you have only 2 choices:

1. You use Voip but you have quality & availability issues.
2. You pay a lot more than the other SIMs with callback.

Piranha is out of the window for me. Perhaps only good in specific situations / countries for data and for the people who don't want to use callback on their iphone/android. This means, for voice, it's good for the people who prefer to pay more to make a direct call (but given how transparent the iphone/andoind callback applications have become today, why pay more? And in most countries you pay A LOT more.).
Your solution is way to complicated for your average user who just wants to pop in a Sim and save some money while enjoying there holiday, and high termination numbers used BY FREE INCOMING SIMS (excluding Toggle) are very expensive for the caller to call. I have never heard of any operator giving international calling to high term numbers within there contracted bundled minutes, not without purchasing a bolt on, yes your friends and family can buy bolts ons and reduce the cost of calling your free roaming Estonian or Latvian number, but it will cost around £10.00 per month for a bolt on with 100 mins of calling time, and if you don't have a bolt on its £0.40 on standard contract and £1.50 on PAYG. (example taken from O2 UK).
I use a local UK incoming number with Piranha which i know is in bundle from either land line or mobile which makes it extremely cheap for friends and family to call me, there is however a monthly charge of £1.25, this is on a one months rolling contract, I know they have other local numbers available in many countries, but i am unsure of the costs i am sure they will vary, and if i have access to a good WI-FI connection its free to receive calls.
So far i have never had any major issues with the VoIP quality, in fact sometimes on a good WI-FI connection the quality is better than most GSM networks, and that should be the same case for most VoIP providers.

Question on VoIP, which provider do you use and can you use your toggle or Travelsim numbers for incoming and outgoing calls, do you have to top up the VoIP or is it linked to one of your Sims, if not whats the min top up limit required, and if possible what Betamax call-back app and requirements for use.
Thanks in advance for info.

Last edited by gkeeper; 05-11-2013 at 08:08..
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