Originally Posted by gkeeper
I am taking these rates direct from there web sites, if you want to use VoIP piranha is cheaper and is free to receive globally and comes with the same incoming and outgoing numbers i.e Thailand to UK £0.01 and free to receive, now you will not get much cheaper than that:>) but hey you stick with what makes you happy.
Voip has quality/stability/availability issues.
Furhtermore, if you use VOIP the same providers I am using for callback also have VOIP, cheaper than Piranha (your example: Thailand is free to call landline & mobiles, UK: free to landlines, 0.005(half a cent) to mobiles).
-> Piranha is even more expensive for VOIP.
==> Toggle + callback (= good call quality/availability) is cheaper than Piranha VOIP in the 20 Toggle countries.
So with Piranha you have only 2 choices:
1. You use Voip but you have quality & availability issues.
2. You pay a lot more than the other SIMs with callback.
Piranha is out of the window for me. Perhaps only good in specific situations / countries for data and for the people who don't want to use callback on their iphone/android. This means, for voice, it's good for the people who prefer to pay more to make a direct call (but given how transparent the iphone/andoind callback applications have become today, why pay more?
And in most countries you pay A LOT more.).