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MBK (Offline)
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Default 05-11-2013, 01:42

Originally Posted by fsotirop View Post
toggle requirement for activity every 90 days is unacceptable, for me at least.
Toggle has replaced my main local SIM in Europe, so the 90 days are no problem for me as I use it all the time.

Even a quick 0.005 cent data charge once every 90 days is enough to keep it going.

Yes it would be better without the 90 days requirement, but all of the other options are so much more expensive.

Originally Posted by fsotirop View Post
plus their rediculous minimum topup amount.

The credit never expires
as long as you use the SIM at least once ever 90 days (as I said, even 0.005 cents data is enough to keep it going).

I agree the 10£ topup was better, but as it never expires, the 20£ top up is not an issue for me.

Originally Posted by fsotirop View Post
just to add that outside toggle-countries their voice and data rates are very-very expensive!
Absolutely not an issue for me as I am using callback (and callback on the travelsim where Toggle charges for incoming calls).

Today callback with iphone/android applications has become so transparent for the user, there is absolutely no reason to pay more for a direct call.

Regarding data rates: again, really using data requires a data plan. This means local sim or worldwide data plan. Piranha doesn't have this.

For quick data without a plan, between toggle coverage and the onesimcard (travelsim) it's good enough.

Originally Posted by fsotirop View Post
just to add that with Piranha you can receive free incoming calls to both the US &UK number through their voip, so if you have a sip client installed in your mobile and a wifi connection is totaly free. even with their new reduced data rates (lowest in the market) it is cheaper to use data connection in some countries just to receive voip calls

Piranha has become my only interantional simcard.. i only have a airbalticcard for backup outgoing calls but never used it so far.
I am not using voip due to the low quality/stability issues.

Piranha is charging for incoming calls, and as I am using callback it comes out a lot more expensive for me.

Last edited by MBK; 05-11-2013 at 01:47..
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