Thread: Toggle Mobile
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petkow (Offline)
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Default 25-08-2013, 19:06

This is a fascinating thread, full of very useful information. Though I have had a Toogle SIM for quite some time now, I have only recently managed to catch up on what all the in-house experts here have to say about it, and read all the testing reports. Thanks to everybody! It's time I spend some time back on ppgsm again!

I have a very quick question. I realise that UK mobile numbers can easily be ported to the main UK number, but does anybody know if there has been any indication from Toggle if it would be possible some day to port in other mobile numbers onto the IMSIs. e.g. Would it be possible to port in my normal Spanish number and get that assigned instead of the default allocation?... no doubt I would be obliged to pay the £5 p.a. fee to maintain it, but that is a small price to pay.
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