Originally Posted by MBK
It has been working rock stable for 2 years here.
And when used properly, much cheaper than anything else that has been suggested here.
But some people prefer to juggle with X number of SIMs while also paying more because it seems easier to them. 
So you say its MUCH cheaper than any other card on the market or mentioned in this thread, i do a lot of traveling to US and Canada, so i have taken these 2 countries as examples.
Call cost back to UK from US using .
Tru $0.15 calling a landline $0.33 calling a mobile, SMS $0.15
Piranha $0.14 calling a landline $0.17 calling a mobile, SMS $0.15 Data $0.30 MB
OneSimcard $0.45 calling a landline $0.45 calling a mobile SMS $0.40 Data $1.00 MB
Call cost back to UK from Canada using.
Tru $0.54 calling a landline $0.54 calling a mobile, SMS $0.45
Piranha $0.23 calling landline $0.26 calling mobile, SMS $0.15 Data $0.38 MB
OneSimcard $1.25 calling a landline, $1.25 calling a mobile, SMS $0.40 Data $1.00 MB
cost of card.
Tru $30.00 with $15.00 credit
Piranha $18.00 with $7.50 credit
Onesimcard $30.00 no credit.
these are approximate costs so i maybe 1 or 2 cents out, but my maths says the most expensive card by far is Onesimcard. If i am missing something please feel free to correct and when Toggle launches it will be cheaper still.