Originally Posted by rfranzq
One objection about Estonian numbers has been their cost. They can and have been expensive.
Of course, if you use them to call out normally they are much too expensive (but very convenient).
But there is nothing cheaper and more convenient if you use them with a good callback and dual-sim system.
Originally Posted by rfranzq
You even use it to discourage people you would rather not call you.
Some users here do not think it right to put the burden of the call cost on the caller in this way.
This is why I also give close friends and family the number of the other regional/local sim I have in my dual-sim setup.
Everyone else gets only the +372 number. The advantage is that I can give only 1 number where I am reachable worldwide. I don't need to give X different numbers to my contacts and I don't need to update them with new numbers every time I land in a new country.
Originally Posted by rfranzq
The ones who frequent here prefer intricate and cheap solutions over simple solutions which tend to cost more.
This is why I went with the +372 SIM: it has both advantages you are referring to:
1. it works out cheaper than anything else if you take the time to learn how to use it properly (callback + dual SIM).
For example, Piranha (one of the other SIMs suggested here) is useless to me as it charges for incoming calls and outgoing calls are much more expensive than what I pay with my +372 SIM with callback + dual-Sim setup. Piranha is even less recommended in my case as its rates are only good regionally, so I would have to juggle with X number of SIMs.
2. and for those who don't want callback (+ eventually dual SIM) the +372 SIM can also be very simple, but then it will cost more.
Originally Posted by rfranzq
More choices give us more options and that is why knowing about this niche is helpful for those of us here.
Absolutely. I started with international SIMs thanks to this site and I am still learning new things every day thanks to you guys.