B&You Prepaid is dead... -
30-07-2013, 22:28
So, I got an email today about B&You moving its prepaid customers to Simyo. This was the first time I heard about this, although I see that willemijns discussed it here a few days ago.
I'm not too happy about this; I went to a lot of trouble to get the B&You card. Here's one thing that worries me: with B&You, it's possible to buy Bouygues recharges at many retail shops. I don't see anything on the Simyo site that indicates that regular Bouygues recharges will work with Simyo.
If that's the case, then the only alternative is a credit card. If it turns out that Simyo won't allow a foreign (in my case, a US) credit card, then there will be no easy way to recharge the account.
So, my question is, does anybody know if it's possible to recharge a Simyo card with a Bouygues recharge? Also, does anybody know if Simyo will accept US credit cards on their website?