Are you certain that Tmobile still excludes Lyca from it's commercial rates? I saw a thread elsewhere stating that Lyca calls were now treated by Tmobile (and other UK mobile providers) the same as other mobile networks, and someone pointed to Tmobile's website where the Lyca exception on longer appeared.
Originally Posted by NFH
T-Mobile UK excludes calls to Lycamobile UK numbers from inclusive minutes. I read somewhere that this was because Lycamobile used to be an MVNO on T-Mobile but Lycamobile switched to Vodafone, taking a huge number allocation with them. T-Mobile in retaliation applied this commercial sanction against Lycamobile. None of the other networks have ever discriminated against Lycamobile numbers in this way, even though Lycamobile's termination rate is higher than the main networks. Even after Orange UK and T-Mobile UK merged to become EE, only T-Mobile branded customers continue to suffer this sanction against Lycamobile.
One way around this is to port a number from a mainstream network to Lycamobile or Toggle. This causes many originating networks to charge as if the number had not been ported.