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hrgajek (Offline)
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Default 27-05-2013, 12:48


if somebody understands german language, my test-review at - Kommunikation ganz einfach could be of interest for you:

Roaming-SIM von Piranha im Test: Zuerst gut, dann enttäuschend - News

In short words:

At the beginning very impressive, nice features, excellent support.

Pro's: US-Number and UK number on one sim card, more numbers available.


- My tested phones didn't support dialing via SIM-Tool Kit as follows: I dial the number normally from my phonebook, receive an error message and SIM-Toolkits does the rest form. I used Nokia 6310i, 6600 and HTC Desire S (Android)

I only could dial by code *111*... or from the SIM-Toolkit Menu manually.

- Sending of texts didn't work the last days

- Texts from german networks to my PM SIM showed the funny behaviour:

From Telekom D1 to US Number - no
From Telekom D1 to UK Number - yes

From Vodafone D2 (Germany) to US-Number - Yes
From Vodafone D2 (Germany) to UK-Number - no

same for E-Plus and Telefonica-o2 and Swisscom (NATEL) : US ok, UK no.

Phonecalls from E-Plus Network SIM (Simyo) to PM-UK Number --> Announcement, "This number cannot be reached from the eplus network." maybe E-Plus has never heard of Bellingham Communications? (Who knows)

Prices and Tarifs of PM are absolutely ok.

PIN and PUK are not delivered with the card, my request was not answered yet.

I phoned and textet my account near to zero and put it back in the cupboard.

73 & 55 (Regards)
Henning Gajek
on air with:
Telekom (T-Mobile) DE - Vodafone DE - Telefonica-(o2) DE - (DE/UK) - Swisscom CH -
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