Originally Posted by willemijns
> My 2¢ (Euros) on the thread of messages between Willem and PSIM. I think PSIM would be better off dumping this customer. He finally admitted he got access to all the networks he was promised and still is not happy.
the question is:
- it was a temporary error ?
- if the occurs will happend ?
> There is a point in any business where a particular customer will never be satisfied.
on any thing, they are a limit ^^
> (what some would say unreasonable complaints)?
As i said, i admitted i have now the 3 networks... but the error is not on my side. 5 tries before my complaint, no access. 5 tries after my complaint, i haver access.
I admitted the fact the price was on T&C... the error is on my side but the best answer was to say me "the price is on the table at the end of T&C" and write it on the core T&C text.
Now i have elements. and i must find another competitors
they are not plenty of this which have decent offer, purpose the 3 FR network and permit to receive the sim card in France.
if i stay, it will be my last complaint here. it is logical.
if i leave, it will not be my last complaint here.
i have to fully support Snidley on this one
" I think PSIM would be better off dumping this customer. He finally admitted he got access to all the networks he was promised and still is not happy."
I have been following this thread from the start and I cannot see what the issue is, you seem to have created an issue where there was none, then got out of your pram when you did not like the answer, which i thought was a very simple and straightforward answer. 1. Did you have any failure in service, it would seem not. 2. Did you read all the T&Cs from beginning to end, it would seem not.
How can you complain about the costs being in a table at end of the T&Cs. Do you read half a book then complain to author that you don't know who did it and they should tell you at the start of book so you don't have to waste you time reading it?
You are demanding a fault free service, no mobile service on the planet is going to guarantee you a fault free system, and i presume Piranha is no exception, i am sure it will be in there T&Cs or did you skip that section. Oh dear another complaint i fear.