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willemijns (Offline)
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Prepaid Fan
Posts: 151
Join Date: 09 Jan 2013

Default 23-05-2013, 06:56

> My 2¢ (Euros) on the thread of messages between Willem and PSIM. I think PSIM would be better off dumping this customer. He finally admitted he got access to all the networks he was promised and still is not happy.

the question is:
- it was a temporary error ?
- if the occurs will happend ?

> There is a point in any business where a particular customer will never be satisfied.

on any thing, they are a limit ^^

> (what some would say unreasonable complaints)?

As i said, i admitted i have now the 3 networks... but the error is not on my side. 5 tries before my complaint, no access. 5 tries after my complaint, i haver access.

I admitted the fact the price was on T&C... the error is on my side but the best answer was to say me "the price is on the table at the end of T&C" and write it on the core T&C text.

Now i have elements. and i must find another competitors
they are not plenty of this which have decent offer, purpose the 3 FR network and permit to receive the sim card in France.

if i stay, it will be my last complaint here. it is logical.
if i leave, it will not be my last complaint here.

FR volunteer specialist in mobile.
Looks for free SIM with FR roaming Orange, Bouygues & SFR.

Delight mobile OK. Piranha mobile OK until now with a bad issue at the beginning.
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