15-05-2013, 00:38
Thanks - that was very helpful.
I may be tethering my Macbook to my old iPhone 3GS and want to know if the higher 3G speeds are supported with Blau/Simyo (E-Plus/BASE). HSDPA to 7.2MBps? I know FONIC/O2 supports higher speeds and I'm checking the various coverage maps for the areas in Germany where we will be staying to see what coverage looks like.
I really like the iOS app "My Festtool" that Simyo has - looks really helpful to understand the tariff and how much various things cost while travelling - they also have a pretty good webpage with APN settings all listed out etc. which I find very attractive!
So, I'm weighing the network coverage, as well as data prices and ease of usage/understanding of the plans to make this decision...
Any further advice is appreciated!