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eugeniod1995 (Offline)
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Default 14-01-2013, 21:09

Thank you so much
To register the sim, on the LIDL site there is written that people between 16 and 18 must have a paper signed by their parents:
Um die LIDL MOBILE SIM-Karte auf sich registrieren lassen zu können, benötigen Sie ein deutsches Bankkonto, eine Adresse in Deutschland und müssen mindestens 16 Jahre alt sein. Bei Kunden unter 18 Jahren ist die Einwilligung des gesetzlichen Vertreters erforderlich.

Since they do not require an ID card on the online registration, can I write an older birth date?

They will send a letter to the address you wrote on the registration and if the letter is undeliverable they will deactivate the sim. How much time do the letter need to be delivered? I have to stay in Germany for 10 days and if the sim will be deactivated when I am back to Italy it doesn't matter

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