Originally Posted by gkeeper
I am starting to understand how this works now, with my Piranha i get 2 numbers free one US one UK, if i want another number on my Truphone, say a US number, I have to pay an extra £5.00 per month, which seems very steep. As for Data Rates it depends where you are traveling, in Europe the Piranha rates are much cheaper than Truphones, £0.35 per mb to Truphones £0.60 per mb, outside of the EU some countries covered by Piranha are very cheap, but most are silly prices and i would definitely leave data off if i travelled to those countries. On the whole the voice prices inside and out of Europe are much cheaper on Piranha. Anyways thank you both for your explanations, you have opened my eyes and made my mind up for me.
My comment about Truphone's data rates was focusing on Truphone 3.5 countries -- The US, UK, Australia, and Netherlands.
Piranha also throws in their VOIP service and you need to sign up for a seperate service with TruPhone with a seperate account from Tuphone. I subscribe to more than one roaming carrier right now, but am thinking of ditching Truphone. Earlier this year I gave away my Maxroam SIM, and am will probably cancel Telna. I may substitute an Air Baltic card (or the variant of it -- can't remember the name -- which gives you a US number tied to it).
An interesting data service for folks interested in the Truphone group of countries is: