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bylo (Offline)
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Default 28-11-2012, 21:34

Originally Posted by madducks View Post
Does anyone know what the A1 does in Italy, in the Val Gardena area, or do I need to find another sim for Italy?
I don't know for sure. I normally have my phone set to not roam because I don't want any billing shocks. When I've been near the Italian border, for example west of Vent, and scanned for available networks I've seen Italian ones like Tim and 3 on offer. But I've never actually tried to connect.

If your concern is to be able to summon help in case of emergency, you can place calls to 112 (same as 911 in NA) without the need for a SIM. There are also special numbers like alpine rescue (Bergrettung) 140, police 133 and ambulance 144. I don't know if they also work without a SIM. In any case if you call 112 and explain the nature of your emergency they will connect you to the proper first responder group.

I've been trying my best to read German/Austrian...... but I can't figure it out yet!
Google's Chrome web browser for Windows has very good language translation built-in. You can set it up so that it will detect German (and Italian) language pages and automatically translate them into English. Unfortunately the version for Android lacks this feature.

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