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kuba.g (Offline)
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Default 22-11-2012, 16:58

Litle bump to this nice discussion. Now that the LTE bands are beging auctioned in The Netherlands, I'm wondering where I can find a good comparison on bands being used in different countries.

It seems the most 'interesting' LTE frequencies in Europe are 800MHz, 1800MHz and 2600MHz. The 2600MHz have already been auctioned in The Netherlands and have resulted in a few tiny LTE networks in some larger cities, but the providers are waiting for the other bands to be auctioned, for the reason of better coverage. In Belgium the 800MHz is beging auctioned at the moment. Belgacom (Proximus) has already set up a running LTE network using the 1800MHz band in 8 cities. Not including their capital Brussels, which will most likely never get any LTE network, because they apparently have the strongest radiation norms in the world (whoever thought Belgium is a unity is deeply mistaken: Flanders, Wallonia and Brussels are three different 'states' with different rules).
In the US, on the other hand, the frequencies used seem to be 700MHz and 2100MHz, making the new iPad incompatble with European LTE...

Also for UMTS this is interesting. We know the example of Sweden, where the UMTS networks run on the 900MHz band, providing a superior coverage. Are there any other European countries permitting this? I looked around on the internet but I couldn't find a good summary.

Mobile internet sim cards:
INT: abroadband, NL: Simyo, *bliep, BE: Colruyt Mobile, MEDIONmobile, LUX: Orange, PL: mBank Mobile,
DE: Congstar, MEDIONmobile, IE: Vodafone, CH: OK Mobil, SwissCom, SE: Telia, ES: MásMovil,
GR: Cosmote, IT: TIM, RO: Vodafone, RS: mt:s, BY: Privet, UA: Kievstar, MD: Moldcell

Feel free to consult me about sim cards in the Benelux and Poland.
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