I've got an iPhone 5 with a TIM prepaid SIM. I added the Internet 42.2 option to my SIM, I was told it was not possible in the store and by SMS but it was possible on the
119 Self Service | TIM site. I have tethered the iPhone with the Personal Hotspot feature over WiFi using the APN wap.tim.it and TIMxSmartphone plan that was free with my SIM as a promotion, but that only has 250MB/week. I change the APN to ibox.tim.it and
119 Self Service | TIM shows that I am now using data from my Internet 42.2 option, but the Personal Hotspot is feature is now disabled on my iPhone and tells me to call TIM for activating it.
Anyone know how to get this fixed? I don't really speak Italian so calling TIM doesn't sound like fun.