09-10-2012, 16:23
This card is impossible to get without a French debit or credit card. I have tried everything.
I also tried ordering a B&You monthly contract SIM, which asks for bank details (Relevé d'Identité Bancaire). As I have a French bank account (but no card), I have the necessary RIB. I got to the end of the order process and was asked to pay €1 by credit card, so I abandoned the order. When I went back into my B&You user account, I discovered that I had an open order with a 9-digit order number, despite not having paid the €1. You can't speak to B&You on the phone without entering an order number, so I took the opportunity to phone them on +33 9 81 66 26 66. They cancelled the order for the monthly contract SIM, and then tried to find ways for me to order a prepaid card. They confirmed that it is not possible to order a prepaid card with a non-French bank card or even with a French RIB. The latter is used only for a monthly contract, and they confirmed it is not even possible to buy a monthly contract SIM and then convert it to prepaid.
I can get a Carte Bleue debit card from my French bank at a cost of €40. I really resent paying this rip-off fee to French banks; illogically they charge for debit cards but not for cheques. However, if enough people here want a B&You prepaid card, then I'll get a Carte Bleue and we can split the cost.