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wesley (Offline)
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Posts: 3
Join Date: 30 Sep 2012

Default Help appreciated. - 04-10-2012, 13:55

Thank you, Effendi, for coming to the rescue.

I knew about the PIN code on the Wind card (fairly obvious), but I've never checked to see if the Samsung (not an Android) has a "security" setting. Of course it should have one, and I'll look for it.

Since my phone is an Italian phone, I just assumed the Wind would not connect to a network here in the U.S. I have experience turning another Italian phone on here in my home, and the Italian TIM in that phone would not connect (or try to roam). I'll try the Wind card and see what happens. If nothing, I won't know much more until I turn the phone in Italy.

Thank you, too, for confirming the codes for credit and English.
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