Some experiences with data prepaid in Italy -
06-08-2012, 13:15
I'm back from Italy...
* I bought a TIM simcard (costs €10) and the Internet Large option (€19), for 5gb, upped to 10gb with a promotion. I used the Codice Fiscale I generated online.
* I used the SIM in an Android tablet and shared the connection with a lot of other devices (3 iPads, 3 iPhones, iPod Touch, Android phone). In that case, 5gb would not have been enough - those things eat a lot of data!
* It took the full 48 hours to be activated, which is frustrating.
* Coverage of TIM is excellent, though in remote areas expect to have only Edge inside houses or buildings, unless you search for places next to the window. Outside there was always 3G or HSDPA. If you are on 3G or HDSPA, the connection usually is very fast - faster than the wifi you get sometimes. We could be surfing with all the mentioned devices without any lags. We could even make a facetime call (but we needed the Android tablet as a go between, "faking" wifi!)
* I could use tethering with no restrictions whatsoever. It was like a full ADSL line.
* I have the impression that TIM and WIND are on a close call regarding coverage; my phone was on one of the two mostly. Vodafone is 3rd. Tre is not interesting for this kind of use; coverage is not good enough. They are cheap and quick though (I tried it last year) so if you are ok with their coverage, check them out because they have the best offer. Also their sims work out of the box.
* I could not reload my simcard with paypal. Recharging is a problem outside of Italy. I'll have to ask other Italy-goers to do it for me because I want to keep this SIMcard active.