03-08-2012, 20:19
Hi, All!
I hope that I am dong the right thing. I have posted this question elsewhere
but wondering if it doesn't belong here. Hope Effendi or another helpful reader can help me!
I have some questions which seem foolish but I still do not understand some basic concepts.
I have two daughters about to go off to Italy for four months. I plan to send them with unlocked cells and then activate SIMS --- probably TIM or Vodafone. They will be using texting and some calls (to other non TIM/Vodafone cells). We have not yet decided on adding internet for their phones --- that will depend on costs.
I have studied this site and the TIM/Vodafone websites, (---I do not understand Italian) but am still not sure on the plans. My questions are related to whether or not you build your own packages/bundles to meet your needs.
I really don’t understand what you get when you activate a SIM and then how you add features that you need. I also don’t understand if you can combine packages.
I can use some specific examples here but I would appreciate any general help.
I will use Vodafone as an example:
1. Do you start with activating your SIM and choosing a rechargeable plan like Vodaphone12? Do you then add options to meet your needs?
2. If you pick a package like Square Smart it includes almost everything but does not consider phone calls to national numbers. So, if you want to call another national number, what do you do. Do you have to have another plan or do you get charged by another rate? or do you get charged the rate of the Vodafone12 if that's what you start with?
Using TIM as my example:
1. Again, do you start with activating your SIM and choosing a rechargeable plan like Vodaphone12?
2. Do you need to pick a basic plan like TIM12 and then can you add a texting option like TUTTO COMPRESO RICARICABILE SMS (text)?
3. Can you combine a voice plan and a text plan?
4. If we wanted to add a data package for internet, like TIMxSMARTPHONE, could you add it to either of the above as with the example in #1 or #2?
5. There is also a new option on the TIM website called TIM YOUNG for text and internet. Is this for prepaid users? How do I get charged for calls? Do I pick an option for calls?
Thanks so much for anything you can do to point us in the right direction!