Originally Posted by inquisitor
That's no problem. What you see on the surface of the SIM card are just electrical contacts which can be cut as long as the signitifcantly smaller chip below is not damaged. This x-ray image shows how small the actual chip is:

I've actually cut almost my whole SIM collection to match the 3FF (third form factor = microSIM) and some also had these giant contacts.
Thanks. I was really hoping that someone would reply with some positive news like that. I'd hate to have to get all my SIM cards replaced, particularly in places where they were a hassle to get in the first place.
Originally Posted by inquisitor
However the bad thing about nanoSIMs (aka "4FF") is that you will not only need to cut the old formats to match this new format but you also need to file down half a milimeter as nanoSIMs are thinner.
Doesn't that depend on phone? It's possible that the next iPhone will allow a thicker SIM card. For example, I don't think the iPhone 4/4S would have a problem if the SIM card was slightly thicker, and the next iPhone will probably have a similar SIM tray.