15-07-2012, 17:16
VOIP Cheap has local access numbers in Santiago and you can get something like 300 minutes a week free to Australian landlines. If she has a smartphone, their MobileVOIP program (iPhone, Android, Blackberry, and Symbian -- not sure about Windows Mobile) has a great app which also supports callback and VOIP Over 3g/wifi).
Alternatively, mydivert.com offers Chilean landline numbers (Santiago) that you can have ring in Oz for EUR8 a month. Forwards to Australian landlines are 2 cents a minute, VOIP or Skype forwarding is free. Rebtel.com also has great international rates with local dial-ins in Chile (and Oz).
I haven't heard about Chile blocking outbound international calls on prepaid. She might have to go into her online profile and activate these calls. They may default to turning it off. At the same time, I can't believe this is the cheapest way to call OZ.
If you want to go mobile-to-mobile, Rebtel has an interesting option which allows you to both make local calls and get bridged together so you both have outbound calls and avoid the surcharges typically associated with calling mobile phones.